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~ g e s t u r e ~ an.ä.log gallery . II

Writer's picture: Elvira m. DayelElvira m. Dayel

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

I'm very excited to be part of the 5-person exhibit of figurative work. 5 entirely different takes on drawing or painting the figure. In the show there are 5 pastels of mine.)

an.ä.log gallery, 886 Capp st., SF 94110 / Feb6 - Mar6 2020

dJ + wine + visitors, it was fun at the opening reception. I sold two pieces in the first hour of the opening (do i get brownie points for that?)

Left image: a fam of art collectors & new owners of the "Full Body" (soft pastel on watercolor paper)

Right image: new proud patron with her new purchase "Essensa Dansa" (soft pastel on watercolor paper)

In my personal observations and generalizations, in regards to collecting art and their collectors, a person reacts strongly to certain artwork when they can recognize themselves in the visual idea. Visual work of art is not a mirror which reflects certain physical resemblance, it would have been grossly uninteresting if it were so. Work of visual art speaks to the eyes on the subcutaneous level, on the cerebral level. Therefore, when people notice something familiar & relatable, they are then physically drawn to the work.

(If I may say so, the work was reasonably priced.)

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